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Dowell Moulds Pvt.Ltd.

Core Value

Core Values

powerful insrastructure icon
Powerful Insrastructure

We at Dowell Moulds believe that powerful infrastructure and technically skilled workforce act as the connerstone of the company.




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Inovative Manufacturing Equipment

We possess high-tech, innovative and accurate moulds manufacturing equipment.




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Service Period

To enable a longer service period for the tool, superior material is used in stack component accompanied by hardening effect.




proficient icon

We are proficient in manufacturing PET Preform Moulds and Botte Moulds which are suitable for RSBM, ISBM, IBM mould system, moulds for all variants of plastic closures and mould parts for major substitution.


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Continuous Research

We practice continues research and evaluations of all the operations, based on which modifications and improvements are implemented.



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Adherence to law

We adhere to the documented procedures and emphasis on direct involvement of customers, suppliers and employees which will enable us to constantly up-grade the technology to fulfill customer requirements. This will lead to better customer satisfaction.

positive work environment icon
Positive Work Environment

Although the work is executed in the professional manner, the work environment at our manufacturing facility is positive and motivating.



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Skilled Professionals

We have a team of skilled professionals and workers who are enthusiastic, committed and passionate to work as a team and to achieve goals of the company by providing best in class services to the customers.


safety icon

We ensure a safe and secure work environment for our worker force.





Core Values